Sarah McLachlan

Sarah McLachlan • Feist • June 6, 2024 • Utah First Amphitheatre

Reviewed and Photographed by Kevin Rolfe

It was good to be back at Utah First Credit Union Amphitheatre (Formerly USANA Ampitheatre).  The night before we were in attendance for the Utah return of the Red Hot Chili Peppers.  And while the vibe was completely different, the excitement level was comparable.  The great Sarah McLachlan brought her Fumbling Towards Ecstacy 30th Anniversary Tour to Utah and people were in a celebratory mood. The majority of the crowd arrived early to hang out, grab a bite or a drink, and socialize.  Fans were ready for a night of great music with some incredible voices.


The show began with Indie Music favorite, Feist.  I had never seen Feist so I was excited to finally have the opportunity.  Donning a blue hat and sunglasses, Leslie Feist was ready to take on the setting sun and the task of opening the show.  She performed an eight-song career-spanning set.  She mentioned that she was also celebrating an anniversary.  2024 is the 20 year anniversary of her debut album, Let It Die.  She performed “Mushaboom” and “Let It Die” from the album. 

It was really fun to hear songs from Feist’s signature album, The Reminder.  The iconic album from 2007 had the audience nostalgic and enjoying some great songs of their younger days.  Feist performed “1234” with the lyrics she used when she performed the song on Sesame Street.  This was the first time she had ever performed the song with those lyrics since the show.  So we witnessed a bit of history.  It was a great set.  And I would love to have Feist back when she can play a little longer.

Sarah McLachlan

The sun was going down when Sarah McLachlan took the stage.  She was all smiles as she was greeted by the enthusiastic crowd.  McLachlan told us that before we would be celebrating Fumbling Towards Ecstacy she would be playing a few other songs.  The audience immediately understood that we would be hearing many of her hits from other albums when they heard the beginning of “Sweet Surrender” to start the show.  That was followed by “Building A Mystery”. 

At this point, so many memories from the mid-90s came flooding back.  I think I had forgotten just how much Sarah McLachlan’s music was a part of my life back then.  She continued her run of hits with “I Will Remember You” and “Adia”.  As I looked around I could see people swaying in the warm summer breeze. One of my favorite songs from this part of the show was “Answer”. The rest of the band gathered around the piano and sang harmony to McLachlan’s amazing lead vocal.

The time came to celebrate Fumbling Towards Ecstacy.  When the first song, Possession began, the audience seemed to light up in kind of a “here we go” vibe.  I love it when artists play their albums in full like this. It’s a great celebration and reminder of why we fell in love with them.  This album was so pivotal not only in Sarah McLachlan’s career but pivotal in the musical experience for so many.  

Sarah told us, “Every single one of us is a beautiful unique individual.  There’s only one of all of us.  So you gotta wave your freak flag.  Happy Pride!”  She then performed “Elsewhere” perfectly.  She also thanked us for spending our evening with her.  “We love making music, we love for playing for people.  I’m just so happy and excited that you still care about live music and want to come support us.  So, thank you.  It means the world to me. Overwhelmed.”  She invited us then to sing along with her during, “Ice Cream”.  People rose to their feet and sang along with Sarah for the entire song.  It was one of my favorite moments in the show.  She told us to not by shy.  That invitation was not needed because people did not hold back.  It was really fun. 

The two big highlights for me were the performances of “Fear” and then the show closer “Angel”.  First, “Fear”.  So I’ve heard this song many times on the album.  Sarah McLachlan sings so unbelievably high on this song.  I thought for sure it was enhanced by effects.  But she sang this song live and it was flawless. I was so impressed.  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. 

“Angel” is such a beautiful song. I know so many people now think of the dog commercial, but it’s an undeniable classic.  And again, Sarah performed this beyond my expectations.  She has not lost a step.  Her voice sounds every bit as good as it did in the mid-nineties.  There are not many vocalists who can say that.  It was a beautiful evening and the voices were top-notch.  My hope is that she tours again and celebrates Surfacing when that hits the 30-year mark. 


Sweet Surrender
Building a Mystery
I Will Remember You
Song For My Father
World On Fire
Beautiful Girl

Fumbling Towards Ecstacy

Good Enough
Hold On
Ice Cream
Fumbling Towards Ecstacy



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