Winnetka Bowling League w/ Gayle– The Beehive November 5, 2021
By: Vanessa Holt
Another show was added to my list of artists I’ve never heard prior to the night of the show. I’ve enjoyed these shows because I’m discovering so many artists in the best way possible. Hearing their songs live and being able to watch them light up on stage the way all artists do. All I knew of Winnetka Bowling League was that they were an alternative band which is right up my alley. So it was going to be a show I was going to enjoy either way.
Another reason for me to be excited for this show was the fact that they were playing The Beehive. A venue I hadn’t been to in years. The Beehive definitely had some changes to it. The front half was converted into a Vegan diner, and the venue remained in the back half. There was quite a turnout which was a delight to see and everyone dispersed around the room. I was curious about how it would continue to look throughout the night. When the lights dimmed, everyone got on their feet and made their way from the walls and back of the room and crowded around the stage.
GAYLE opened up for Winnetka and she was truly a lovely artist. The start of her was a little rocky with some technical difficulties. While she worked to get it figured out, someone from the crowd reassured her that we were willing to wait. So she took her time. It was a type of kindness that reminded me why I love going to small shows like this. There’s nothing but good energy all around.
GAYLE played her set solo with a guitar, and some tracks. It was all she needed to put on an amazing performance. She acknowledged that most of the crowd probably didn’t know who she was or any of her songs but that was okay. All that we needed to know going forward that night was that her songs were just angry. Angry about the world and all the crazy stuff that goes on. Isn’t that how many of us who listen to alternative music feel?
With many of her songs about being mistreated in toxic relationships, it was hard to believe that such a kind soul could be wronged. But she did what she does best and wrote songs out of it for all of us to relate and sing along to. If that wasn’t enough, we got a cover of Alanis Morissette which she knocked out of the park. During one of her songs, she noticed someone in the crowd dancing along which brought on one of the brightest smiles I’d ever seen from an artist and danced along. It was a sweet moment to witness. Gayle joked about them flirting within that small interaction.
Her last song was “ABCDE F U,” which was one of my favorites because of the crowd interaction that she got at the end with everyone singing the title right back to her was . Gayle did amazing all on her own. But I could also imagine all the craziness and the energy she could have on stage if she had a band accompany her, maybe one day but always giving full support to an artist who can own a stage all on their own.
Winnetka Bowling League

Winnetka Bowling League followed quickly after GAYLE. They came on stage with so much energy. Their songs were all sorts of upbeat and had a groove to them where everyone was just dancing along. In between songs, someone in the crowd had pointed out that the singer still had the price tag on his shirt. He had them assist in pulling off. We learned that it was their first time in Salt Lake City. They explained that their first show was in Colorado. How it was a rough set because of the elevation. However, that night was much better. Which is funny for me to hear because I’ve always heard the complete opposite from bands. That they struggle more in Utah shows because of the elevation.
Despite this minor complication, they put on a good show. There was a couple of silly little banter moments which is one of my favorite parts of show because you never know what the artist will say and how the crowd reacts. For example, the vocalist talked about how he watched Twilight for the first time ever while in quarantine last year. Someone in the crowd shouted that they were sorry. It made an impression on the singer though because they had brought on stage a cardboard cut-out of Robert Pattinson with a picture of a bass taped to him. Pattinson had some competition though because he had cardboard cut-out Vin Diesel to compete with as well for a bass player. Another quirky moment was someone in the crowd offering Lunchable which the vocalist happily accepted.
Shows like this one remind me why attending small shows. They are so special because you get to witness moments like that. It’s so rare to see it at any other shows. Fans always treat artists with so much kindness and always provide so much support. While there might not be much that the artist could give besides just little stand-up comedy, these moments and their music make it all worth it at the end of the night.