Buzzards and Bees: Downtown Provo
Reviewed by Jacob Moniz
Buzzards and Bees was the perfect way to get into the Halloween spirit for Provo concertgoers this past Saturday. Featuring over 70+ local bands at 10+ venues set up all around Provo Center Street. There was plenty of variety when it came to each show. Each venue had specific artists that fell under a certain genre/mood. My personal favorites were Velour(Indie-Rock/Electronic), The Underground Social Hall(Rock/DJ Sets), and Third Space Studios(Rock/Indie).
I typically enjoy the higher energy shows so I tried making it to all of them but with such a large lineup it was impossible to attend every show. Another great part of this festival was the fact that 80-90% of people were in costume. To top it all off each venue had some sort of Halloween decorations. With bands like Sunfish, The Rubies, Brother., Roadie, and many others it definitely wasn’t a festival you wanted to miss.
I’m going to do something a little different with this review. Rather than me going on and on writing about the show, take a look at my photos to get the visual experience I captured.

Pinguin Mofex
Shay Rose



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Garon Brett

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The Rubies

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The Button Ups

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