Jordana • Rachel Bobbitt • February 14, 2025 • Kilby Court
Reviewed and Photographed by Amelia Weyerstall

It may have been pouring cold rain outside on February 14, 2025, but Jordana brought the
heat and love to a sold-out Valentine’s Day show at Kilby Court. The cozy Kilby Court was filled with happy couples, excited friend groups, and enthusiastic fans galore.
The whole crowd was very enthusiastic and having fun even before the show began. One
fan in the audience had Jordana written out on their face in glittery pink gemstones and
dressed in a cottage core outfit nearly matching Jordana’s outfit when she came out on the
stage. A group of fans in the front row were so excited to see Jordana perform they showed
up to the venue 5 hours before the show started. Luckily the friend group got to meet her
outside the venue and have her sign a few items they had brought along. Most of the
audience had either tiny vintage digital cameras or were getting their photos taken by a
vintage camera. The audience really brought a warm and welcoming feeling for both
Rachel Bobbitt and Jordana.
Rachel Bobbitt

Rachel Bobbitt’s angelic voice had the crowd talking all night long about her incredible
performance as the opening act for Jordana.
Originally from Nova Scotia, Canada, Bobbitt’s ethereal vocals had the crowd swaying
along to her songs. Her songs were calming and relaxing, making everyone in the room feel
very grounded. Bobbitt was so captivating, members of the crowd who didn’t already know
her were looking up her music on Spotify while she was playing and saving songs to thei
playlists, she was the perfect opener for Jordana.

In the middle of her set, she realized that the show was an all-ages concert and asked if it
was anyone’s first show ever. A few people in the crowd raised their hands and Bobbitt
proceeded to share her first concert experience. It was Weird Al and the concert was
Bobbitt loved the SLC crowd, saying how good the thing about Jordana’s fan base is how
kind everyone is but also how everyone who listens to Jordana is so gorgeous. She also
mentions how “you never know what you’re going to get being an opener” but the SLC
crowd was amazing and very kind to her, so she thanked the crowd for their kindness. This
resulted in a member of the audience shouting, “You guys rock!” and Bobbitt gave an
excited little giggle before saying thank you. Anyone could tell that this moment definitely
made her night so magical.


Jordana’s show was based on her latest album, Lively Premonition, and she played the whole album from top to bottom while also including a love song for Valentine’s Day, and
some fan favorites during her “TV Girl Trilogy” section of her set.
The stage was set to match Jordana’s fun indie bedroom pop vibe. There was a huge and
very bright neon yellow and pink sign spelling out Jordana, colorful guitars, pink and green
lighting, and even a tiny Gumby figurine sitting on the keyboard.

Jordana’s energy throughout the show made the audience laugh, dance, and cry both
happy and sad tears. Her bubbly energy lit up the stage, the audience loved when she had
the audio from the video game, Fall Guys, play in the background in between songs, and
when she made jokes and did little dances.

Jordana also made many jokes about the outfits she wears. Her cottage core aesthetic was
a way to make a bit of an inside joke with the audience of how she should go turn some
butter or go milk the cows milkmaiden. This was met by shouts of “You’re such a baddie”
and “We love you” from the crowd. These milkmaid jokes ran throughout the show and
made the audience laugh harder every time. Jordana also proceeded to say how,
“Speaking of jokes, this song is about a fart.” the crowd erupted in applause and laughter
and Jordana replied with, “I’m speaking to the right crowd tonight” before playing
“Multitudes of Mystery” which was met with huge cheers.
The whole night the crowd matched Jordana’s energy perfectly, several times throughout
the night Jordana would say “Yippee!” and the crowd would echo it back multiple times
making very memorable and fun moments.
Jordana then introduced her band: Nick Waters on the keys, Saguiv Rosenstock on the
bass, Ian Micheal on the guitar, and Blake Richardson on the drums, and mentioned how
everyone should go check their awesome music out. Jordana was incredibly supportive of
her band’s work.

When Jordana then got around to the breakup songs part of her set list, the whole front of
the audience was crying. The moment was very sweet and it was a very special moment
that everyone shared. Jordana then said “Don’t cry… does another break up song make it
better? I don’t think I have any more songs that aren’t sad or breakup songs.” Of course,
Jordana then followed this up by saying, “What up with breakups? What’s the deal with
sporks? What’s the deal with wooden spoons? Don’t they get moldy?” which the audience responded with shouts of yes and no’s all around, breaking the audience into laughter
again before the band started to play “The One I Knew.”

The last song that Jordana played before her encore was the song “Stories End” and giggly
said how “You see what I did there, it’s called being clever, an intellectual…. drop out of
school.” Which the audience replied with shouts of “woo” and “yeah”.
At the end of the song Jordana jokingly said, “That’s the end of the record… Goodbye… Just
kidding! But for real I care about your time and I’m not going to waste it by getting off the
stage and back on, so I’m just going to stay up here! Yippee!” The crowd responded with
another “Yippee” and Jordan said how since it’s Valentine’s Day, Let’s play a Steely Dan
cover. The crowd went wild for this and were shouting old songs that Jordana should play
next like “Jackie’s 15”, “Big”, and “Baby”.

Jordana mentioned how she had three more songs left for the crowd that she liked to call the “TV Girl Trilogy” and how she knows what the crowd is really there for. Jordana had worked on the whole “Better in the Dark” album with TV Girl and it contains her most popular songs. During the show she played hits like “Summer’s Over”, “Sweet to Dream”, and “Better in the Dark” It was an incredible and perfect way to end off the night.