By: Evelyn Salazar

I don’t think there are truly any words to describe how amazing Hippo Campus is live. On Friday, July 19, The Complex was packed with fans of all ages, coming out to see Hippo Campus and The Head & The Heart. I knew from the beginning this concert was going to be a good one because even though Hippo Campus wasn’t headlining, they’re a big name on their own that brought out every Hippo fan in Salt Lake City. Excited comes nowhere near to how pumped I was for this show. It’s unexplainable. Hippo Campus is my favorite band in the world. They have been since the moment I saw them perform at Kilby Court, five years ago. Since then, I haven’t missed one Utah show.

It was so cool being outside the venue and seeing the large line wrap around the corner of the complex. Tons of people had on their Hippo Campus merch and were eager to get in to snag a good spot. Most shows I go to, there will always be a few people who know the opening band. But this was unlike all those other shows. The moment the boys came out on stage, fans screamed with excitement. I had a smile on my face the whole time. Even though they were the opening band, you wouldn’t have been able to tell because the crowd was singing every word! This was not surprising to me, considering the fact that the last two times Hippo was in Salt Lake they sold out both shows.

One of the things I love about seeing Hippo Campus live is that when the boys are performing you can see they do it with so much passion! From lead singer Jake rocking out and singing his heart out, to Espo on bass grooving out, Whistler drumming with everything he has, Nathan on the guitar and DeCarlo with his magnificent trumpet skills, it’s a beautiful sight. The vibes given off the stage to the crowd are so euphoric. The boys love Utah and Jake even said on stage, “Utah! You always bring it!”

I bet you some fans who were there for the headliner and had no idea who Hippo Campus was, probably questioned if they were at the right concert for a second! Because everyone around was going crazy for Hippo Campus! I asked Jesse Kart, 19, what she thought of them, having never heard of them before. She said, “They were crazy good! I didn’t know them at all but I’m glad I do now!”

I bumped into my friend Sierra Webster, 19 and she actually saw Hippo Campus five years ago with me as well! She said, “Hippo Campus always knocks it out of the park. Their stage presence is unlike any other band, you can tell they are all best friends, and it shows on stage. The best way to describe their shows is you always want an encore after the encore. you never want it to end!”

The Complex was a great venue choice. It sounded great and there’s enough room to hold all the fans that came out that night. In the back people danced around while the front pit people jumped up and down screaming every word. I was both! This night was a dream for me. It’s always a surreal experience hearing and seeing your favorite band live. I always leave their shows feeling so alive. That’s a feeling that will never get old.

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