XAVI • April 28, 2024 • The Union
Reviewed and Photographed by Lily Rutherford

At just 19 years old, Latin American singer Xavi has embarked on his sold-out headline tour. His stop in Salt Lake City landed on April 28 at the Union Event Center. The Poco a Poco Tour, or “Little by Little” Tour, has taken over the country, with the full 24 dates selling out completely. After the eruption of his single “La Diabla”, Xavi has charmed listeners of all kinds. Enticing them to see his eclectic performances on stage.
In Salt Lake, it was clear that crowds were excited to see the performer’s first show in the state. Fans from young to old gathered within the Union Event Center. Even before the opening act, another 19-year-old Latin American singer, Estevie. She performed her own songs, as well as covers that charmed the crowd and had them singing along with her. The crowd was engaged with Estevie for her whole performance, a clear indicator of their excitement for Xavi’s arrival on stage.

Between the two sets, varying Latin American songs played and had the crowd singing along and hyping them up. Along the barricade closest to the stage were fans sporting Xavi’s merch, which also toted “SOLD OUT” along the back of it, signifying the accolades of the young singer. The fans on the barricade were as young as 10 years old, just as excited to see the show as anyone else. Demonstrating the connections that Xavi’s music brings to the Latin American community within Salt Lake. The venue was well-equipped for this show. At a capacity of around 3,500 people, the space was filled to the brim with Xavi fans, selling out the show at what seems like a huge venue for a first-timer. There was no doubt that Xavi is a fan-favorite, just by looking at the amount of people in the crowd.

Shortly after 9pm, Xavi’s band entered the stage, toting various instruments ranging from trumpets and trombones to guitars. The band played a short intro, slightly silenced by the screams from the crowd, and Xavi ran onto stage. The energy Xavi exuded met the energy of the crowd, and the excitement was unmatched. He began the set with his single, “Poco a Poco”. Which the tour is named after, and the crowd knew every word. Fans screamed along with the singer and his face lit up with pride seeing the adoring fans among him.

As he continued the set, it was clear that he was made to perform. At just 19 years old, Xavi had the stage charisma of a seasoned rock star. He leaned into the crowd, making sure his fans could see that he appreciated them as he sang his heart out. The instrumentation of the songs was heard clearly as the band, composed of 8 members, unionized to create beautiful Latin-inspired backings to Xavi’s songs. He clearly appreciated them. Using one portion of the show to give each member their own solo on their respective instrument.

About halfway through the show, the instrumental started for his hit single, “La Diabla”. The crowd knew it within the first moment, and it was the loudest they had been all night,. Very excited for the song to begin. Children sat atop their parents’ shoulders, hoping for a glimpse of the singer, just as excited as anyone else in the venue. The crowd echoed Xavi’s words louder than I’ve heard at any show I’d been to (which is quite a few), clearly demonstrating how much they truly love his music.
The same excitement was heard again when he began “La Victima”, another one of his most popular singles. The crowd knew every word by heart, providing energy that Xavi fed off of as he danced along the stage and sang. He followed this song with some covers that the crowd, once again, knew very well. He made the covers his own, adding his own flair and performing them as if he had written them.

Xavi jumped off stage just as quickly as he came on, and the crowd chanted for more for a good minute, before his band ran back on stage and exploded into another rendition of “La Diabla”. Xavi quickly rejoined them, leaning into the crowd and grabbing the flag of Mexico from an excited fan. The crowd erupted into cheers and screams, excited about the singer’s pride for his culture, and he waved the flag as he continued the song. He began to wear it as somewhat of a cape, honoring his culture and hyping up the crowd. Fans jumped to the music, sang the words, and chanted “¡Viva la Mexico!” along with the singer. As quickly as the show began, it ended, and fans filed out of the venue, discussing the show they had just seen.

I had never heard of Xavi, or seen him perform, but I was absolutely enticed by his energy on stage. At such a young age, he has captured the essence of performing – he is polished and interactive, making sure the fans know that he is there for them. The crowd felt the same way as I did, looking at him with adoration. The show was one-of-a-kind for Salt Lake, and felt more like a community coming together than just a simple concert.