Muse February 28, 2019 Vivint Arena

By Kevin Rolfe

Photo By: Kevin Rolfe

Usually, when you see a band you like in concert multiple times, you know what you’re going to get.  After a while there is only so much a band can do to keep the show fresh and new for their fans. We as fans will generally accept that because we’re there to hear the songs we love live, so even if we’ve heard them play the songs the exact same way for years, we’re cool with it because we’re happy a band we like has stopped in our city again.  That’s not to say the song, or show has become dull. I’m only saying that you eventually figure out what a band is going to do. For example, there are a number of bands that I like, that I’ve seen multiple times, and when they start testing the effect on their guitar, I know what the song is before it even starts. Or if they play a fancy intro, I can make out what song it is already.  Sometimes part of the fun of a live show is guessing what the song is before it starts. But try not to be a song predictor too often. It might get old to your friends or those around you. Anyway, the reason I’m rambling about all this is because I just saw Muse in concert. And they put on one of the best live shows out there today. If not the best!

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UCR Interview- Little Moon

By: Kevin Rolfe

Little Moon will be the headliner at the closing night (February 26) of Les Femmes De Velour, and festival celebrating it’s eighth year of showcasing amazingly talented local female musicians held at Velour Live Music Lounge in Provo. I caught up with Little Moon leading up to this show. I had a great time chatting with her. I hope you enjoy our conversation!

Utah Concert Review: So how did you get into music as far as performing and writing? Where does that all stem from?

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UCR Interview- Roadie

Roadie will be performing on night 2 (February 22) at this year’s Les Femmes De Velour.  We caught up with lead singer and guitarist Aubree Liz leading up to the show. Enjoy!

Utah Concert Review: What is your story with music? How did you get started?  What made you decide you wanted to perform and write music?

Aubree Liz: I was actually a really late bloomer when it came to becoming a musician and songwriter. I’d been very heavily interested in music my whole life, but it wasn’t until I saw one of my first live shows just after graduating high school that it really sucked me in. I’ve been hooked on creating and performing music ever since. There is something incredibly powerful about being a musician that allows you the opportunity to connect with a whole room of people individually at once. And as soon as you get a taste of that, it’s hard to go back. It’s definitely hard work, takes a crazy amount of dedication, and just sheer blind faith that what you’re doing will ever lead to anything or connect to anyone, but that’s all art. And it’s worth it.

UCR: How did you get connected with Les Femmes De Velour?

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UCR Interview- Belle Jewel

By: Kevin Rolfe

Photo By: Nikolaih Photography

Belle Jewel will be playing at Les Femmes De Velour on Thursday evening February 21 at Velour Live Music Gallery in Provo. I was able to catch up with Belle leading up to the show. She has an incredible voice, and it will be really exciting to see her at this event. Here’s our conversation. Enjoy!

UCR: First of all thank you so much for agreeing to do this with me. I just really love this event and I really enjoy your music. You have a beautiful voice so I’m happy to be speaking with you. 

UCR: First of all thank you so much for agreeing to do this with me. I just really love this event and I really enjoy your music. You have a beautiful voice so I’m happy to be speaking with you.

Belle Jewel: Thank You. I Really appreciate it. I really love Les Femmes too! It’s so fun man. 

UCR: So how did you get connected with Les Femmes?

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UCR Interview- Party Nails

Interview By: Kevin Rolfe

Los Angeles based artist Party Nails’ debut album, Past Lives and Paychecks was released in 2018.  Her most recent single entitled ‘I Go To You’ is a stunning and intimate love song, featuring relatable honest lyricism, raw acoustic guitar and layered soft vocals which ride gently atop the organic instrumentation. Her previous single ‘So Broke’ features the singer’s distinct sound of glittery synth-pop and went viral on Spotify.  

We caught up with Party Nails when she was here in Utah supporting Eve 6 on their 20th anniversary tour.  She had some wonderful insight on someone who is getting their opportunity to do what they love. Enjoy!

Utah Concert Review: So are you originally from Los Angeles?

Party Nails: I’m from New York. Like 40 minutes south of Albany. So not too far north but definitely really rural and small.

Utah Concert Review: Did music bring you to L.A.?

Party Nails: Yeah. I lived in New York City for like four years before I moved to L.A.  I just had this thought that I should probably move to L.A. so I did. But that’s the short version of the story.

Utah Concert Review: So what happened where you started to feel like things were happening for you with music?  

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Harry Hudson December 16, 2018 Kilby Court Salt Lake City

By: Kevin Rolfe

Photo By: Kevin Rolfe

I love hearing that a concert has sold out. Of course, unless, I don’t have tickets.  But, It doesn’t matter if to me if it’s at USANA Amphitheater or at The Urban Lounge, to sell out a venue is always an impressive thing.  I’m probably more impressed when an artist sells out a show on their first visit to a city. Such was the case with Harry Hudson.  He closed out his first national tour with a sold-out show at Kilby Court.

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David Archuleta December 10, 2018 UCCU Center Orem, Utah

By: Kevin Rolfe 

Photo By: Kevin Rolfe

In case you hadn’t heard, Utah loves David Archuleta.  So much so that he scheduled five stops throughout Utah on his Winter in the Air Tour.  Last night I saw thousands of adoring fan scream their hearts out at the UCCU Center in Orem. If you can believe it,  David was the runner-up on American Idol ten years ago. But I don’t think his popularity here in Utah will ever fade no matter how far we get from Archuleta’s epic showdown with David Cook.

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Jim Gaffigan December 7, 2018 Vivint Arena

By: Kevin Rolfe

Photo By: Kevin Rolfe

Stand up comedy is an art form that fascinates me.  The ability to stand in front of a group of strangers and cause them to naturally react to something you’re saying with laughter totally blows my mind.  I truly marvel at the nerve these people have. I don’t know how they do it. I think it must be the scariest, riskiest in terms of failure potential, and therefore the most rewarding art form out there.  When a comic bombs, it’s just them out there. There aren’t other bandmates that they can share in their tanking with. It’s just them. But when done right, what can be better than having an entire comedy club crying laughing because of something you said.  Then imagine having an entire theater cracking up at something you said. Then imagine having an entire arena, filling a venue with thunderous laughter because of something you said. That’s how it was on Friday, December 7, at Vivint Smart Home Arena with Jim Gaffigan.  

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UCR Interview- David Archuleta

Interview by: Kevin Rolfe 

Photo by: Robby Klein

David Archuleta brings his Christmas Tour to the UCCU Center in Orem, Utah on Monday, December 10.  We recently caught up with David and discussed his new Christmas album, what pressures might come from performing in Utah so often, and what are some of his favorite venues here in Utah.  Enjoy!  

Utah Concert Review:  You recently released your new Christmas album Winter in the Air and your single “Christmas Every Day” is getting a lot of airplay here in Utah, so congratulations on that.  How did you decide to release a new Christmas album?

David Archuleta:  From the moment I released my first Christmas Album I’ve wanted to release another one.  When we were finishing up Christmas From the Heart about ten years ago and I was like, “I’m going to have to do another one.”.  You can’t fit all the great Christmas songs on one album. I love Christmas, it’s my favorite.  They’re my favorite tours to do, so I just knew that I had to do another Christmas album. It was just a matter of when.  But then I saw that Pentatonix released three in a row so I thought, “You know I guess I can release another one almost nine years later.”.   Continue reading “UCR Interview- David Archuleta”