Danny Lux

Danny Lux • Dariell Cano • June 15, 2024 • The Complex

Reviewed and Photographed by Logan Fang

Danny Lux made his first trip to The Complex last Friday on the latest stop of his international tour, Tour of Lux. The Chicano artist celebrates the release of his fifth studio album EVOLUXION, joined by fellow Latin artist Dariell Cano. That night, The Complex housed a sizable audience made up mostly of Latine and Spanish-speaking fans dressed in Danny’s signature tour merch. Before the show began, eager fans searched for glimpses of performers in the wings and then cheered to beckon them on stage. The excitement in the crowd was palpable.

Dariell Cano

First up was a solo act by Dariell Cano. After obtaining a modest following over the past couple of years through TikTok, Dariell has released a series of unique, conscious ballads featuring extensive guitar solos and his signature sierreño instrumentation. As a part of a new wave of Mexican teens redefining this traditional Mexican genre, Dariell adds his own dreamy spin to angstiness of classic sierreño.

Photo Credit: Logan Fang

During songs like “Solo Una Amiga” Dariell slips between romantic serenades and hazy choruses that you’d expect out of an indie concert. Coupled with his nonchalant persona and his casual dress, tracks like DISTRACCIONES are understated and moody. But unlike the heart-on-the-sleeve attitude that defines the indie genre today, Dariell’s lyricism is a bit more sheltered. In his performance of his January single “Este Sentimiento,” Darrell talks about distancing himself from his feelings and stopping himself from falling in love. The melancholic track, sung only in Spanish, is a corrido at its heart, a traditional Mexican narrative similar to a ballad. I was quickly enamored with Cano’s poetic lyrics in the song. 

Photo Credit: Logan Fang

Musically versed in both English and Spanish, Dariell also performed “Cayendo” where he switches between the two languages throughout the song. In the mix, Dariell performed a cover of another sierreño track. Cano then moved to a selection of songs from his EP “Amor Variando,” including the crowd-favorite “Quiero”. Like all of the other dreamy indie singles he performed that night, Dariell pays homage to his Mexican roots through the sierreno twist he puts on the EP.

Danny Lux

After a brief wait and more shouting from the audience demanding Danny’s set to begin, each member of the band made their way on stage. Eddy, Danny’s cousin, played the standup bass while his close friend Victor played the guitar. As the audience began chanting Danny’s name in unison, he ran out onto stage and was greeted by a roaring crowd. 

Danny kicked off the set with “Ambición” and “El Dueño De Tu Amor.” These two songs not only became instant crowd favorites but also showcased Danny’s candid style of music. Danny is transparent with his emotions, whether he’s professing his unrequited love or laying out heavy philosophical lines like “Amar y perder es mejor que nunca haber amado” (Loving and losing is better than never having loved). After playing a few of his singles, Danny then moved to one of his biggest hits, “Jugaste y Sufrí.” Released in 2020, its relatable message about isolation resonated with teens across the globe dealing with the outsized effects of the pandemic. The song gained traction over TikTok and has since propelled Danny into stardom.

Photo Credit: Logan Fang

Like Dariell who opened the show for him, Danny has his own take on the sierreño genre. His music blends both the romance of regional Mexicano with contemporary pop and house inspirations. Just a few songs after performing his downtempo track “Amor,” Danny had the crowd jumping to his bass-laden hit “House of Lux.” But as much as Danny is redefining the sirreño genre, he’s also creating his own brand of music drawing from everything from bolero-like serenades to EDM afrobeats. 

Photo Credit: Logan Fang

At one point during his performance, lucky audience members got the chance to get their merch and posters autographed by Danny himself. Soon after Danny signed his first poster, the crowd quickly descended into chaos as people began hurling origami bouquets, hats, and errant shoes onto the stage for Danny to sign. At one point, an audience member held up a pack of gum that they wanted him to sign. Impressively, Danny continued singing as he scribbled his name on the assortment of items that he later tossed back into the audience along with a handful of T-shirts as souvenirs. With such care for his fans and a diverse discography, it’s easy to see why DannyLux appeals to Utah concertgoers. His songs speak to the importance of being vulnerable and sharing your emotions—a message that certainly resonates with all of his listeners.

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