UCR Interview: Kevin Baldes of Lit

Lit will be opening the Daybreak Summer Concert Series on SoDa Row on Friday, June 10th. Utah Concert Review had the opportunity to chat with Lit bassist and backing vocalist, Kevin Baldes. We discuss Lit’s forthcoming album, Smells Like Gold, and a variety of other topics. Enjoy!

Interviewed by Kevin Rolfe

Photo Credit: Jeff Mozey

UCR  So, first of all, I just wanted to thank you for taking the time. I’d like to talk to you a little bit about your new upcoming album.  I’ve heard a few songs, the released songs, and it sounds like I don’t want to say “classic Lit”, but it has your sound, which I think your fans are going to be very excited about. 

Kevin Baldes No, I take that as a compliment. To be honest with you, next to A Place in the Sun, it’s probably my favorite album. And I actually said something the other day to somebody that I would let it go toe to toe with A Place in the Sun. And I like it that much. And I’m the guy in the band that’s pushing to kick out a lot of the old songs in our set. Let’s just play a bunch of new stuff, which I know, like concert-goers and fans don’t really want that. But, I like it that much is what I’m getting at. But the band won’t let me throw nine new songs into the set. 

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Dean Lewis

Dean Lewis w/ Forest Blakk May 31, 2022 The Depot

Reviewed and Photographed by Alisha Gregson

It didn’t take long for Australian pop musician Dean Lewis to sell out every ticket for his Salt Lake City stop on his Sad Boi Tour. When I arrived at The Depot on May 30th, I was not at all surprised to see a line trailing down the street and around the corner. His fan base consisted of mostly young girls in their teens and twenties. They were excited for the chance to watch him perform.

I walked into the venue and made my way to the photo pit. Once I got in the pit I had the opportunity to talk to a few of the fans in the front row. I noticed most of the fans in the front were all holding identical Dean Lewis totes bags. They told me they had purchased VIP tickets. Those totes were just one of the many perks that came with them. Inside the bags, the fans received a poster, a guitar pick, and a couple of other items.

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IMAG¡NARY FRIENDZ w/ goodfellas & The Button Ups• May 26, 2022• Kilby Court

Reviewed and Photographed by Mallorie Lerman

When I arrived at Kilby Court on Thursday, I noticed a mass of people waiting to get in line into the venue. Vaccine cards and negative covid tests were being checked for admittance. The line was long but it moved steadily. The lineup for the night would be full of some great local artists. The show started off with the local band the Button Ups. They were followed by goodfellas. And the headliner of the evening would be IMAG¡NARY FRIENDZ. We have been trying to cover one of their shows for a while. For one reason or another, it hadn’t worked out. But it finally happened and we were excited to finally see these guys.

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KALEO• May 18, 2022• Red Butte Garden Amphitheater

Reviewed and Photographed by Kevin Rolfe

May 18th was the opening night of the Red Butte Garden Outdoor Concert Series.  KALEO was the band to do the honors of opening the acclaimed series.  KALEO hails from Iceland, but their music screams American Delta Blues.  They did not start this series off with a whimper.  If the rest of the upcoming concerts are anything like this one, we’re in for an excellent summer at Red Butte. 

In a way, it almost felt like the first day of school.  Or maybe the first day of summer camp.  There was excitement walking through the gates, into a familiar place I hadn’t been in a while. There were the same people at Will Call, the same security guards, the same people handling press, and many of the same patrons that attend the concert series year after year.  It was like catching up with old friends who I hadn’t seen “over the summer” or “throughout the school year”.  Many hugs were exchanged and conversations were had about what we’d been up to.  It was so fun to see everyone again.  

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Role Model w/ THE BLSSM

Role Model w/ THE BLSSM• May 25, 2022• The Depot

Reviewed and Photographed by Tomo Crestani

On May 25th, Tucker Pillsbury also known as Role Model made an appearance at The Depot in Salt Lake City. It was an interesting show because although I knew a few of Role Model’s songs, I really wasn’t sure how many other people knew him. But upon arrival, it was clear that many knew who he was. The line wrapped around the neighboring buildings as the security told me there were already 950 people inside. It was the longest line I had seen in a while. There was a very diverse crowd, which was surprising to me. I expected mostly female attendees, however, I was very wrong. It was fun to see a good split for an artist that might typically draw a female crowd. 

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The Bay Strikes Back Tour: Testament w/ Exodus & Death Angel• May 20, 2022• The Depot

Reviewed and Photographed by Alisha Gregson

I was thrilled for the opportunity to attend and photograph The Bay Strikes Back tour featuring thrash metal bands Testament, Exodus, and Death Angel. The tour had originally been planned for 2020 but had to be rescheduled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The three Bay Area bands were finally able to return and play a sold-out show at The Depot in Salt Lake City on Friday, May 20th.

When I arrived at the Depot I found an excited line of metalheads that stretched down the street. I saw that most everyone was wearing a shirt or patch supporting one of the bands on tour. There were also quite a few shirts representing The Heavy Metal Shop. A local store that sells all things heavy metal. Just as I had arrived I heard some loud cheering from further back in the line. I quickly realized the source of the excitement was Testament’s lead singer Chuck Billy. He was returning to his tour bus after taking a minute to greet his fans and give out high fives.

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Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark• May 16, 2022• The Union

Reviewed and Photographed by Kevin Rolfe

Photo Credit: Kevin Rolfe

Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark, or OMD as they’re often called celebrated 40 years as a band with their Souvenirs Greatest Hits Tour. The tour comes a couple years after the actual anniversary, but like so many other tours or anniversary celebrations, the original tour was pushed back due to the worldwide pandemic. It was worth the wait, OMD never disappoints! The Monday night concert felt like a Saturday night. If the Union Events Center wasn’t sold out, it was maybe a couple of tickets away. The venue was filled and fans who have seen OMD over these 40 years were eager for the show to begin.

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