Role Model w/ THE BLSSM• May 25, 2022• The Depot
Reviewed and Photographed by Tomo Crestani

On May 25th, Tucker Pillsbury also known as Role Model made an appearance at The Depot in Salt Lake City. It was an interesting show because although I knew a few of Role Model’s songs, I really wasn’t sure how many other people knew him. But upon arrival, it was clear that many knew who he was. The line wrapped around the neighboring buildings as the security told me there were already 950 people inside. It was the longest line I had seen in a while. There was a very diverse crowd, which was surprising to me. I expected mostly female attendees, however, I was very wrong. It was fun to see a good split for an artist that might typically draw a female crowd.
The Depot

The Depot is always a venue I love to visit, and this show was no different. The security seemed almost extra helpful and happy that night. Even going as far as to bring cups of water out from the back and hand them out all over the crowd in between sets. They also were very attentive to the needs of the people in attendance. I noticed the security getting into the venue was running a little slow, but upon questioning, they told me that they were just being extra careful that night with so many people. I appreciated them taking extra measures to ensure the venue was safe.

The opening act featured at the show was THE BLSSM. Pronounced “The Blossom”. They entered the stage with a lot of energy and immediately began to hype the crowd up for the headline act. They mentioned Role Model 3-4 times during their set. Although not exactly the same genre as Role Model, THE BLSSM was able to do more than entertain the crowd. They reached out and touched the hands of the reaching fans in the front row multiple times. The Depot has a lower stage which makes it possible for more fan interaction.

Throughout their set, THE BLSSM would make short comments about each song. It was helpful to have a little bit of background for each song as I was previously unfamiliar with their music. The fan-favorite performance of their set was THE BLSSM most popular song “Hardcore Happy”. They also played a new unreleased song that was clearly very special to them. THE BLSSM explained that it was about events in their life that she was currently working through. I do not remember them saying the title of the song, but it was a lot slower and more emotional than most of their other songs. THE BLSSM tends to be more upbeat and fun-spirited. THEIR new song seemed more somber and lyric-focused.

At the end of their set, THE BLSSM asked the crowd how excited they were for the headline act and began their last song. THE BLSSM’s closing song was “I Hate Sunday”, which is one of their newest songs. They ended the song with an extended guitar solo that was full of energy. THE BLSSM had the entire venue screaming in excitement.

Role Model

After the wait was over. The lights went out and Role Model took the stage. His intro was very cool. It was his voice talking as if he was an instructor before you take a test at school. He told a few rules for the concert, ending with the mandatory rule of singing every word to every song. Although I had ear protection in, I could still clearly hear the roar of the crowd when he came out. He began with a newer song titled “if Jesus saves, she’s my type”. He was very loose and comfortable on the stage. Dancing to the music like he didn’t have thousands of people watching him.

During his performance, Tucker also reached for the crowd on several occasions and interacted with his fans. I was told by security that he was planning on jumping down from the stage and walking along the front row. However, I didn’t see it happen. I could have missed this while shooting photos from the back, which is most likely the case. But overall, he did an incredible job at making sure his fans were having a good time.

My favorite song Role Model performed was “Hello!”. It could be because I listen to this song on a regular basis, but I really felt the entire venue enjoyed it the same way I did. He had his voice singing on the track in order to allow him to dance without holding the microphone to his mouth, which felt a little disappointing at times. But he made up for it with the energy of his performance and the vocals that you could tell were live. Being up close I was able to realize that he was putting a lot of work into his performance with sweat dripping down his face.

As the end of his set neared, he played his hit song “blind”. Mentioning at the beginning of the show that he suspected some people were there to hear that one song. He did not fail to meet the exceptions of the crowd. He performed the song with so much passion and energy. Although he did have many songs that felt like they were jam-packed with emotion, his last few songs were particularly special. He was able to draw the crowd in from beginning to end.

Overall, I would highly recommend you find the opportunity to see Role Model in concert. He was a perfect concert for almost anyone. He has music for a wide variety of listeners. THE BLSSM was also a very enjoyable concert. Her music is more geared towards a specific crowd, however, I definitely would recommend you give her a listen. The Depot was a perfect spot for this show, and I look forward to visiting for concerts to come. Role Model will now finish off his tour in the US and then visit Europe for a few shows there.