Buzzards and Bees 2023

Buzzards and Bees•October 21, 2023•Downtown Provo

Reviewed and Photographed by Mark Daluz

Photo Credit: Mark Daluz

As we approach the climax of the spooky season, there was no other way to add to the suspense but with a music festival! Buzzards and Bees was the perfect way to get into the spirit of Halloween for those who decided to attend. The night of October 21st marked the fifth going of this multi-venue music festival in Downtown Provo. Here, you can hear different genres ranging from Indie, Electronic, Soul, Folk, Chamber, & Rock with each venue being the home of a specific genre. For example, The Velour Music Gallery hosted Rock/Indie artists while the Dry Bar venue would host Folk Rock/Americana artists. It was super fun to pop into one venue and hear screeching guitar riffs then move down the block to be serenaded by slow, soulful singing. 

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However, I do wish that all venues were closer together. The festival was structured where there were 5 venues pretty much right next to each other playing similar genres but, if you wanted to see artists at the other 4 venues then that meant going a couple of blocks down to get there. Timing-wise it was about seven minutes for me to get from one “zone” of venues to the other and with artists only having 30 minute sets, you really had to commit to one area before sprinting to another. I know that this isn’t something that could easily be changed as the businesses on the street can’t just host artists but I guess in a perfect world.

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I always try to stay for the entire set of an artist as I never know if a song will pop up and forever change me but at B&B, It was hard to stay long for an artist. It was a constant mind battle of “Wow this band sounds so good but what if the other 7 bands playing right now become the next big thing and I miss out on that”? Nevertheless, I had a blast with the artists I had the pleasure of hearing live. Some of my personal favorites from the night were Leeseul, Woodrow Cole, Orcamind, Lantern By Sea, & Cardinal Bloom. 

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Since I couldn’t stay for the entire set of every artist I saw and for the number of artists at the festival, I feel it would be unfair to give 2 sentence reviews stating the same thing as I never heard anything I didn’t like. So instead, I put more time into the photos as I think a visual representation would do a better job at capturing the experience.

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