Hippie Sabotage March 7, 2020 The Union

By: Kinsi Cook

Photo Credit: Kinsi Cook @kinsis.photos

Marking their tenth stop on the Direction Of Dreams Tour, Hippie Sabotage took Salt Lake City by storm. Hippie Sabotage is an indie duo from Sacramento California, composed of brothers Kevin and Jeff Saurer. Stopping by Utah for the first time since last summer’s SLC Twilight, Hippie Sabotage put on one of the best concerts that I have ever been to. Fans were allowed into The Union at 7 PM, however, they started lining up long before then trying to secure their spot at the front of the barricade. 

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Atmosphere February 14, 2020, The Union

By: Alex Wardell

Photo Credit: Alex Wardell

“I love you,” Slug (Sean Daley,) says to the Union Event Center crowd on a grey, late winter night. Then he says, “If there is one thing I want you to take away from this show, just one thing. We are Atmosphere, and we make music!” He then dropped into ‘Onemosphere’; an eruption from the crowd shook the building as we hummed along.

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