
Wilderado •March 29, 2022•Soundwell

Photographed and Reviewed by Tomo Cresanti

Fresh off their performance on Jimmy Kimmel days prior, Wilderado did not disappoint with their visit to Salt Lake City. The Soundwell was a new venue for me, and I enjoyed my first visit more than I expected. Being a smaller venue, I figured it would be rundown or have issues that distract from the show. However, the Soundwell is very well kept and was a perfect place to spend a night out. The sound quality was on par with the larger venues I have visited and the staff was very helpful and kind. 

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The Band CAMINO w/ flor & Hastings • March 29, 2022• The Complex

Reviewed and Photographed by Josilyn Wakkuri Lybbert

The Band CAMINO, with Flor and Hasting, played a completely sold-out show at the Complex on March 29, 2022! The concert goers were visibly excited and seemed genuinely happy to be there. When I got into the venue, the first thing I noticed was the huge line that was formed by people waiting to get their concert merch! There had to be at least 100 people in line! Fans packed in and filled the Rockwell at the Complex!

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Journey w/ TOTO

Journey Freedom Tour w/ TOTO•March 24, 2022•Vivint Arena

Reviewed and Photographed by Kevin Rolfe

Preceding their album of the same name, Journey’s Freedom Tour is underway. It should come as no surprise that Vivint Arena in downtown Salt Lake City was packed for the rock n roll hall of famers. I can’t think of a Journey concert whether it be out at USANA Amphitheatre or here at Vivint Arena that wasn’t overflowing with fans. Journey is one of the most beloved bands in Utah.  People of all ages have taken to their music, and their concerts show it. With every song, I could hear the echo of the crowd’s collective voice singing along.  These guys have been doing it for years.  They’re true professionals.  I can’t imagine playing to an engaged audience like the one on Thursday, March 24 could ever get old.  

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Maisie Peters

Maisie Peters • March 23, 2022 • Kilby Court

Reviewed and Photographed by Kevin Rolfe

I’ve been asked on numerous occasions if concerts are boring to me now or if they’re watered down because I’ve been to so many.  The answer is always no.  I’m never bored of live music and I don’t think I ever will be.  The old adage in theater is that no show is ever the same.  I think the same goes for concerts.  The setlist might be the same, the lyrics are the same, even the venue might always be the same.  But each show has a life of its own.  

That was never more evident than on March 23, 2022..  I was invited to cover British popstar, Maisie Peter’s sold out show at Kilby Court in Salt Lake City.  As I approached the venue I noticed an exceptionally long line.  Keep in mind I arrived at Kilby Court about 5 minutes before the opener was scheduled to take the stage.  I wondered what the delay was.  My first thought was that there were so many people that it was taking longer to get them in than expected.  But as I approached the box office I could tell it was something much different.  There was no power! 

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Elle King w/ Lola Kirke

Photo Credit: Kevin Rolfe

Elle King w/ Lola Kirke• March 19, 2022 •The Depot

Reviewed and Photographed by Kevin Rolfe

I’m embarrassed to say that prior to this concert I knew very little about Elle King. I knew the song “Ex’s and Oh’s”. It’s pretty hard to not know that song. It’s a really catchy, really good song. I knew she was Rob Schnieder’s daughter. And I knew she had a great voice. I think anyone who knows Elle King knows these three facts. The last time King was here in Salt Lake City she opened for Heart and Joan Jett. I wasn’t able to go to the show, but by numerous accounts, she about stole the thing. There always seemed to be a buzz when Elle King was coming to town. So I knew I needed to see her in concert. She is so much more than an SNL alums’ daughter, so much more than a voice, and so much more than one song.

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Circle Jerks

Circle Jerks w/ 7 Seconds & Negative Approach • March 17, 2022 • The Complex

Photographed by Jacob Moniz & Reviewed by Carter Sears

It wasn’t hard to tell what kind of show you were walking into on the evening of St. Patrick’s Day. The patched jean jackets, piercings, and tattoos were uncountable outside as circle jerks summoned the old punks and the new generation of the straight edge population of Salt Lake to The Complex. The crowd, ready to start the pit and buzzing with excitement filtered in. With a mad dash to the merch booth blocking the door. This dedication to the scene and vibe of old-school punk was held through the night.

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Patrick Droney w/ Morgxn

Patrick Droney w/ Morgxn •March 17, 2022 •The State Room

Reviewed and Photographed by Vanessa Holt

Heading to the show on Thursday night I didn’t have much of an idea what to expect. I had never attended a show at The State Room and I was excited to finally mark it off the list. I’ve also never heard of either Patrick Droney or Morgxn. But listening to their top-streamed songs on the way to the venue, I knew I was in for an amazing night of live music.

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The Band’s Visit

Photo by Evan Zimmerman

The Band’s Visit• March 15, 2022• Eccles Theater

Reviewed by Kevin Rolfe

The Band’s Visit is a winner of 10 Tony Awards. Ten! I remember watching the Tony Awards and hoping I would get to see the tour when it came to Utah. But like so many tours and productions, The Band’s Visit’s visit was delayed due to the pandemic. But the time finally came when I was inside the beautiful Eccles Theater in downtown Salt Lake City to see this award-winning show. From the press release…

THE BAND’S VISIT tells a joyful, offbeat story of a band of musicians who arrive in a town way off the beaten path. Under the spell of the desert sky, with beautiful music perfuming the air, the band brings the town to life in unexpected ways. With a Tony- and Grammy-winning score that seduces your soul and sweeps you off your feet, performed by thrillingly talented onstage musicians, THE BAND’S VISIT rejoices in the way music makes us laugh, makes us cry, and ultimately, brings us together.

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Glass Animals

Glass Animals •March 13, 2022 •The Union

Reviewed and Photographed by Natalia Martinez

This past Sunday, British-based band Glass Animals came to Salt Lake City. It was the 5th stop of their Dreamland tour. The sold-out show was held at the Union Event Center at 8:00 pm. They performed for about an hour and a half. On a night where international pop star Justin Bieber played a show at Vivint Arena, it was Glass Animals that stole the night away. To open the show, Sad Night Dynamite got the crowd ready for Glass Animals with a high-energy performance. By the time Glass Animals came on to the stage, there was already an electric atmosphere spreading throughout the venue. Screams filled the air as lead singer Dave Bayley took to the stage.

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