Lewis Capaldi• w/ Em Beihold• April 23, 2023• UCCU Center
Reviewed and Photographed by Josilyn Wakkuri Lybbert

Scottish-born Lewis Capaldi, joined by Em Beihold, brought his sold-out Broken By Desire To Be Heavenly Sent North American tour to Orem, UT on April 23rd. It was one of the last dates added to the tour, and I’m so happy that it was!
I heard that fans started lining up as early as 8 am, maybe even earlier, in hopes of securing the best spot for the General Admission floor area. It wasn’t the warmest day to wait it all day long, but at least it didn’t snow! Regardless, I know from personal experience that fans will do whatever it takes to get the most out of their concert experience!
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