Lit will be opening the Daybreak Summer Concert Series on SoDa Row on Friday, June 10th. Utah Concert Review had the opportunity to chat with Lit bassist and backing vocalist, Kevin Baldes. We discuss Lit’s forthcoming album, Smells Like Gold, and a variety of other topics. Enjoy!
Interviewed by Kevin Rolfe

UCR So, first of all, I just wanted to thank you for taking the time. I’d like to talk to you a little bit about your new upcoming album. I’ve heard a few songs, the released songs, and it sounds like I don’t want to say “classic Lit”, but it has your sound, which I think your fans are going to be very excited about.
Kevin Baldes No, I take that as a compliment. To be honest with you, next to A Place in the Sun, it’s probably my favorite album. And I actually said something the other day to somebody that I would let it go toe to toe with A Place in the Sun. And I like it that much. And I’m the guy in the band that’s pushing to kick out a lot of the old songs in our set. Let’s just play a bunch of new stuff, which I know, like concert-goers and fans don’t really want that. But, I like it that much is what I’m getting at. But the band won’t let me throw nine new songs into the set.
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