By: Alex Wardell

Circle pits, a small riot, a guitar shreddin’ banana and the start of one of the most hardcore tours were kicking ass in Salt Lake City on Halloween. The ‘Eternal Nightmare’ tour featuring four of my favorite groups performed at the Complex; October 31st, 2019 was one of the most incredible concerts of my life and definitely the most memorable Halloween of recent years. The Complex was thriving with fans from all scenes of the hardcore world: Thrash, Grindcore, Hardcore-Punk, Sludge, Stoner Metal, Metalcore and the ever hated Deathcore. For the sake of us having a good time, I do not categorize performers within the hardcore scene for any other reason other than to distinguish the vastly different and prolific talents of these bands from one another. Isn’t this why there are mosh pits in the first place? All of us have such passions and emotions tied to this music and our most beloved talents in the community, that reason and arguing will never get us anywhere, perhaps a few bruised ribs and split lips will; probably not, but that will never keep us from trying. Now, let’s chat about the thunderous scene I found myself in upon simply entering the venue.
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